Between demanding schedules, traveling, and trying to get out the door on time for Mass, it can be challenging to donate on a regular basis. Plus, for many families, the parish is one of the last places you still have to use a checkbook or cash.
Good Shepherd is excited to offer online giving for one-time as well as recurring gifts! Simply make a secure donation via electronic check or credit/debit using the form on this page.
Use the form to easily give a gift now.
Select the recurring option in the donation form and submit your gift. Then, setup a donor account using instructions sent to your email.
Help? Contact the church office via email or call Caroline Woods at the church office: (931) 967-0961. Hours:
M, W, F, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Please note: We welcome one-time or recurring donations to the regular church collections, the Haiti Relief Fund, For Those in Need, and the Good Shepherd Campus Development Project. Donations to all second collections with assigned national collection dates, as listed below, should be by one-time gift only.
Thank you for your donation to the Good Shepherd and St. Margaret Mary parish community. Your generosity and support are greatly appreciated.
Fr. Anthony
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