Time: 12:00 noon on the 2nd Thursday of each month
Place: Good Shepherd Parish Center Hall
The Young at Hearts Social Club meets in the Parish Center Hall on the second Thursday of each month for lunch and fellowship. In addition, outings to various venues are planned based on the interests of the group. Come join us for fun, fellowship, and interesting field trips to places of interest.
For more information contact:
Jim Mitchell (931) 649-5262 or (931) 607-8703
Come Join us in activities like these:
Christmas Party - December 12, 2024
YAH enjoyed a delicious catered lunch and fellowship. Afterwards all joined in playing "dirty Santa".
Outing to Hard Dock Cafe - July 11, 2024
The YAH met at Hard Dock Cafe at the Tim's Ford Marina with 34 in attendance. We enjoyed lunch, a summertime trivia game (3 winners) and some of Fred Doyle's legendary humor.
Celebrating Cinco de Mayo - May 2024
Field Trip to "Tennessee Builtmore" September 2023
The YAH traveled to Falcon Rest for a tour of the "Tennessee Biltmore" in McMinnville. We were entertained with a murder mystery with our members participating in the "whodunit " while enjoying a delicious lunch.
Wildlife Presentation
The Young at Heart Club and invited guests enjoyed a presentation on wildlife that call Tennessee home. Park Ranger Shawn Settle brought a snake and an owl that had previously been injured and now lives at Tim's Ford State Park. A great question and answer session followed the presentation.
Young at Heart Social Club - Oktoberfest Luncheon
The Young At Heart met on October 13th for an Octoberfest luncheon. We enjoyed a presentation by Mr. Fred Kasper who spoke about the "Honor Flight" program. He expressed how thankful the organization was for the $2,000 donation made by our Mardi Gras fund raiser.
Christmas Party 2022
The Young at Heart enjoyed their annual Christmas lunch and the "dirty Santa" gift game.